The smell of fresh air, the sound of the stream

But before I can leave, I must gather my supplies,

To make sure I'm ready for any surprise.

I start with my tent, my trusty home away from home,

Ensuring it's sturdy and won't leave me alone.

Next up, my sleeping bag and pad,

To make sure I'm warm and won't feel sad.

A camping stove, pots, and pans,

To cook up my meals and satisfy my hunger pangs.

A lantern to light up the night,

And a first-aid kit to make things right.

A backpack to carry it all,

And a map to help me not fall.

Bug spray and sunscreen, for sure,

To protect me from the great outdoors.

And let's not forget the water bottle,

To keep me hydrated, for that's the throttle.

With all of these supplies, I'm ready to go,

To hike, to fish, to simply enjoy the show.

Camping is my way to escape and unwind,

And with my supplies, I'm ready to leave it all behind

Camping Picnic Table


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